The 1st Annual D-L-P Gathering at Classic Gaming Expo 2000
Las Vegas, Nevada - July 28 & 29, 2000

Classic Gaming Expo 2000 was held at the Plaza Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada on July 28 & 29. There were quite a few laserdisc games on display.
Steven Hertz brought several of his laserdisc games, and Damon Claussen of Blast from the Past Amusements brought some from his collection as well.

Many of the people from finally met for the first time during this trip.
Below are a few pictures from CGE 2000. Enjoy.

Tony Dailey on the
dedicated Cobra

chip Sbrogna, Jeff Kinder
Matt Ownby, Rob DiNapoli,
and Dave Hallock

Rob DiNapoli, Tony Dailey,
and Matt Ownby

The dedicated
Cobra Command

Matt Ownby
playing Space Ace

Steven's Badlands

Thayer's Quest and
Cobra Command
(M.A.C.H. 3 conversion)

Damon Claussen and
Stephen Beall of
Blast from the Past

Jim Bickmann and
chip Sbrogna

Dave Hallock and
Jim Bickmann

Dave Taylor & Andy Keffer
with Tony, chip, & Matt

Jeff and Dave playing
Marble Madness. Matt
watches as Jeff loses.

Back Row (From Left): Tony Dailey, Anthony Gallagher, Jeff Kinder,
Matt Ownby, Steven Hertz, chip Sbrogna, Dave Hallock
Front Row: Andy Keffer, Jim Bickmann, Dave Taylor, Rob DiNapoli



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