The 4th Annual D-L-P Gathering at Classic Gaming Expo 2003
Las Vegas, Nevada - August 9 & 10, 2003

Classic Gaming Expo 2003 was once again held at the Plaza Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Classic video game enthusiasts and many of the most famous pioneers of the video game industry gathered in Las Vegas for this event. At what has become the largest show dedicated to the preservation of video game history, attendees got the chance to experience the heritage of video games through exhibits, presentations by the people who built the industry, and hands-on play of classic games. Some of this year's celebrities were David Crane, Steve Cartwright, Warren Davis, Ed Rotberg, Tim Skelly, and the father of the video game industry, Nolan Bushnell.

About 60 arcade games set on free play were there for people to enjoy, including many laserdisc games from Steven Hertz's personal collection. Lots of the D-L-P Community and Staff were on-hand to enjoy the show. Below are a few pictures from CGE 2003.


The laserdisc games arrive The first batch of
Shawn LeBrecque's
games arrive
Jen Haven, Morgan
Beckman and Rockford
outside the loading dock
Jeff Kinder & Dave Hallock
loading up games at
Tim Arnold's warehouse
The laserdisc games being set up by the crew
CGE Promoters
John Hardie, Sean Kelly,
and Joe Santulli
Dragon's Lair, Thayer's
Quest, Space Ace,
and Cobra Command
Super Don Quix-ote,
Badlands, and Cliff Hanger
M.A.C.H. 3, Inter Stellar,
and Star Rider
Some of the games supplied by Shawn LeBrecque and Bret Pehrson Lots of competition
at the Arcade PC booth
Michael C. and
Jim Bickmann
Anthony Gallagher Dave, Steve, Morgan, and Jamie
enjoying some of the non-laser games
chip Sbrogna and
Jeff Kinder taking a break
Jeff, chip, Brad O,
and Michael C.
Keynote with Starcade
host Mark Richards,
Damon Claussen,
and Stephen Beall
chip and Starcade host
Mark Richards
Dave Hallock and
Tony M. Victorino (& Jeff)
chip, (Jim), Leslie Collins,
Jay, Laura, and Jen
Jeff Kinder Morgan Beckman

The gang out to lunch Back Row (From Left): Dave Hallock, Morgan Beckman, Jessica,
James Goiffon, Steve Hertz, Jay Gallagher, Anthony Gallagher,
Rockford, Tony M. Victorino, Jeff Kinder
Front Row: Brad Oldham, Jen Haven, Jim Bickmann,
Michael C., Alan Pinion, chip Sbrogna



Morgan Beckman
and Jen Haven
Tony M. Victorino
showing everyone
his latest creation
Dave Hallock and Morgan Beckman
hanging around with everyone
after the show closed for the day
This is how you fit
9 people in a 4 seater
Hanging out in
Morgan's room
at the Luxor
Brad, chip, Dave, and
Tony enjoying the
chip going for the
world record on
Cliff Hanger
chip with Walter Day
just after getting the
world record on
Cliff Hanger
Michael C. playing
DLE 2.0
Steve Hertz being...
well... Steve Hertz :)


Morgan Beckman Jeff Kinder chatting
with Bob Lloyd
Jay Gallagher Just a few
of the games
at this year's show
chip and Jay Morgan Morgan and Jim Leslie, Tony,
Rockford, and Jeff
James Goiffon and
Jeff Kinder
Leslie telling Brad
about the finer points
of Cobra Command
Brad and chip being
interviewed by
Shane R. Monroe
The crew
hard at work
  Rockford Jeff Kinder  



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