Cobra Command is a laserdisc game created by Data East in 1984. The Japanese version is called Thunder Storm, also released by Data East. In Cobra Command, you command a fully armed helicopter and must take on enemy helicopters, planes, tanks, and ships in order to destroy their stronghold on an area. Your missions take you through the forest, in the canyons, through the desert ruins, out to the Pacific Ocean, and right through good ole New York City.



Audio & Video files - Samples of the laserdisc content.
Cabinet Images - Pictures of the arcade game.
Flyer Images - Promotional material provided to game operators.
Tech Center - Information on the technical aspects of the game.

How was Cobra Command released?

only in a dedicated
only as a conversion kit
      for Bega's Battle
in a dedicated cabinet
      and as a conversion kit
      for Bega's Battle
in a dedicated cabinet
      and as conversion kits
      for many different
      laserdisc game cabinets


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