After the success of "Los Justicieros" (Zorton Brothers), Spanish company Picmatic released their second laserdisc game, "Marbella Vice". It is a spoof of the American television show Miami Vice and plays similarly to American Laser Games' Crime Patrol series. The game was published in 1994 and had a limited release. It features famous Spanish actors from the '90s like Alex Angulo and Santiago Segura, plus a notable appearance from Venezuelan supermodel Catherine Fulop. It was directed by Alex de la Iglesia.

The story is about a duo of cops (Alex Angulo and the player) who go to Marbella to stop a drug lord called "Amin Shala". Alex Angulo is your partner (like Spencer in Crime Patrol) who pops up frequently during the game. Catherine Fulop is the obligatory FMV babe. Santiago Segura is the police commissioner who nags you every time you get shot. When you die, the game shows a newspaper that criticizes your actions. The game takes place in scenarios like hotels and casinos and features action chase sequences in cars, boats, and a helicopter. The game is filled with humor and takes about a half hour to complete. A PC port was planned by the company Dinamic Multimedia but got cancelled when the company went bankrupt.




Audio & Video files - Samples of the laserdisc content.
Cabinet Images - Pictures of the arcade game.
Flyer Images - Promotional material provided to game operators.
Tech Center - Information on the technical aspects of the game.

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