Some of you will prefer to draw power for the conversion card from the main board, game power supply, or ROM board. This pic will guide you through the wiring. (Please excuse the low quality of the image.) The benefit is that the size and capacity of the capicitors on the DL/SA power supply will maintain power to the system during minor power glitches. The conversion card does have a capacitor on it for this reason, but it will not maintain the same as the game's power supply. If a power glitch is encountered, the conversion card may reset, even if the game does not. This wiring will prevent the card from resetting if you have interference in your power line. All in all, the power supply included with the kit is for convenience and makes the kit easier to set up by offering a solderless installation.
This is how to set up the conversion card to draw +5VDC from the existing ROM card rather than the wall mounted power supply that comes with the kit.
The change is quite simple, but please note that we are not responsible for damage to your conversion kit or game if this is not done properly. This is why we will not supply the cards with instructions for users to solder it to their existing equipment. This is for experienced technicians only and is not required for the product to work.
The Dragon's Lair Project website is not affiliated with "Hi-Tech" or "Joe Rovito".