Astron Belt Virtual Library - Images and information on the major components

Astron Belt - Parts and Operating Manual (35 pages)
Astron Belt - Schematics (17 pages)
Astron Belt - Service Bulletins (re: laserdisc, self test, security, LD players, demodulator board adjustment, part numbers) (13 pages)
Astron Belt - DIP Switch Settings

Astron Belt - ROM Images (for games with the Hitachi LD player and proper hardware)
Astron Belt - ROM Images (for games with the Pioneer LD player and proper hardware)



Compatible Laserdisc Players - Sega / Hitachi VIP9500SG, Hitachi VIP9550 [1], Pioneer LD-V1000 [2], Pioneer LD-V1001 [2]

[1] The Hitachi VIP9550 is compatible with Astron Belt and Galaxy Ranger as well as the Sega / Hitachi VIP9500SG. The player must be set to 9600 baud with DIP switch settings: 1-up 2-up 3-up 4-up   For info on the Hitachi Command Set, check the Hitachi Command Set page.
[2] The Pioneer LD-V1000 / LD-V1001 will only work in an Astron Belt with the proper hardware and disc. When using the LD-V1000 / LD-V1001, pins 7 and 17 must be crossed on the ribbon cable going from the disc player to the Astron Belt main board. LD-V1000 uses 120V power (USA). LD-V1001 uses 100V power (Japan).

Sega / Hitachi VIP9500SG - Owners Manual (12 pages)
Hitachi VIP9550 - Instruction Manual (15 pages)
Pioneer LD-V1000 - Operating Instructions (7 pages)
Pioneer LD-V1000 - Interface Guide (24 pages)
Pioneer LD-V1000 - Service Manual (81 pages)
Pioneer LD-V1000 - Provisional Service Manual (27 pages)
Pioneer LD-V1000 - Cleaning the Optics (3 pages)
Pioneer LD-V1000 - Changing the Laser Tube (3 pages)

Laserdisc Pressing - Astron Belt has two different disc pressings. There is a Sega-labeled double-sided disc and a Pioneer-labeled single-sided (metal-backed) disc. The Pioneer disc was shipped with games using the Pioneer LD-V1000 or LD-V1001 laserdisc player and corresponding game PCBs. The Sega disc was shipped with games using the Sega / Hitachi VIP9500SG laserdisc player and corresponding game PCBs. The disc content is the same on both pressings.

Aftermarket Conversion Cards - Various Laserdisc Player Conversion Products have been developed over the years to allow replacement/upgrade of the laserdisc player.



Interchangeability - Galaxy Ranger can be played in an Astron Belt cabinet by changing the laserdisc and the EPROMs, provided you have the correct EPROMs and disc for that particular hardware setup. See the Galaxy Ranger Conversion Kit Service Bulletin for more info.

NTSC Demodulator Board - Pots and DIPs - There are 13 potentiometers and 4 DIP switches on the NTSC board. Here are their descriptions:

VR1 Horizontal Sync / Blanking Time Adjustment
VR2 Horizontal Sync / Blanking Time Adjustment
VR3 Vertical Sync / Blanking Time Adjustment
VR4 Vertical Sync / Blanking Time Adjustment
VR5 Black Level Adjustment (laser video brightness)
VR6 Red Gain
VR7 Green Gain
VR8 Blue Gain
VR9 Output Level Adjustment of Logic Signal
VR10 Image Quality Adjustment (resolution control for laser video)
VR11 Hue Adjustment (tint control)
VR12 Color Level Adjustment
VR13 White Level Adjustment (contrast control)

DIP switches 1, 2, & 3 should be in the OFF position. DIP switch 4 should be in the ON position. DIP switch 4 determines whether to accept composite negative or positive going sync from the logic boards. Since the logic produces a negative going sync, the DIP switch is left ON. (ON = Negative Sync  OFF = Positive Sync) For more info on the NTSC / Demodulator, see the Astron Belt Service Bulletins from November 4, 1983, on pages 9-11.

Booting Issues - If your Astron Belt is not booting and/or the laserdisc player plays straight through, check pot VR3 on the NTSC board. This pot is an adjustment for the sync between the main PCB and the laserdisc player. The PCB must match its timing to the incoming video from the laserdisc player. If the sync is too far off, the PCB can't communicate with the LD player and it stops functioning. If your game is suffering from one of the symptoms, try adjusting pot VR3 with the game running. Once the main board can communicate with the laserdisc player, the program will start and the attract mode will begin to play.

Laserdisc Player - Bally/Midway issued an extremely rudimentary piece of drivel for Laserdisc Player Troubleshooting and Maintenance (where "Plug in power cord" and "Turn on power switch" are the most frequently listed remedies).

Sega (Japan, 1983)
Bally/Midway (USA, 1984)

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