Jeff Kinder, Website Creator

Back in March 2001, I got a dedicated Space Ace cabinet in a trade for some Dragon's Lair parts. Over the last two years I have collected all the internal and external parts needed to convert this cabinet back to its former glory. The cabinet was in decent shape for its age, but I felt like making a new cabinet for it. The cabinet sat for almost two years before I got around to working on it. I officially started working on it in February 2003 and finished in May 2003.

The following pictures show what the cabinet looked like when I first got it.



Here are a few pics after I started taking it apart. The one side of the cabinet was cracked all the way through, so I had to nail supports to hold it together in order to use a router to make the new sides.



Here are some pics of the new sides being made from start to finish.



These are the sections of wood that were needed for the speakers and score/annunciator board. Since the top of the cabinet was cut flat, I had to make new three-sided pieces for the dedicated marquee. The 4th pic in this group is the one that goes under the marquee.



Here are some pics of the cabinet when it started to take shape.



The control panel assembly was removed and disassembled so I could make new sections for it.



Once the necessary blocking and T-molding was applied to the control panel assembly pieces, they were then added to the cabinet.



The following pictures show the feet being added to the bottom of the cabinet and the vinyl being applied.



Vinyl complete. Wiring and hardware installation. Coin door stripping.



Machine up and running. Marquee and side decals installed.



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