Choosing Your Path Through the Game
(This reveals the methods of scene selection and any associated strategies, shortcuts, or means of game manipulation.)
When Dexter encounters two exits at the end of a scene, the exit chosen will determine what scene will play next. Here is how to choose the scene you want to play:
- The First Star Pac Flight: At the end of this scene, you can choose where to land the Star Pac on the space station. If you choose to land near Borf's
ship, the next scene will be the hallways with the power cylinders and video guards. If you choose to land in the empty landing pad, the next scene will be the red
security spheres and the flying platforms.
- On Space Station Level 1*: If you exit through the left portal, the next scene will be the green space pups & giant robot
guards. If you exit through the right portal, the next scene will be the trash masher. (It doesn't matter if the scene is reversed or not; left and right always
remain constant.)
*The power cylinders scene and the flying platforms scene are both on "Space Station Level 1". The space pups scene and the trash
masher scene also both take place on the same space station.
- The Second Star Pac Flight: Dexter leaves the space station via the Star Pac and engages in a dogfight. On CADET skill level, the following scene will
then randomly be either the speed tunnel with the Le Grins, or Shag's jungle; you are unable to choose. However!, there is a shortcut in the tunnel during the
dogfight that will take you directly to the speed tunnel scene: move horizontally into the tunnel instead of up to fly outside. (This shortcut ends the high-scoring
dogfight scene halfway through.) For CAPTAIN and SPACE ACE skills, the dogfight scene is always followed by the speed tunnel, followed by Shag.
Remember, when playing the CADET skill level, the scenes you do not choose are left out of the game. When playing the CAPTAIN or SPACE ACE skill levels, the scenes you do
not choose will immediately follow the scenes you do choose. For example, if you land the Star Pac next to Borf's ship and play through the power cylinders, then
regardless of which exit portal you choose, the next scene would be the flying platforms. The exit portals at the end of the flying platforms would then allow you the
next scene selection.
See complete details in the readme.txt file in the download on the main page.
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